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Color Is…


Experience the power of color
in person at the Merchandise Mart,
Showroom 1033A in Chicago, IL.

Get a Glimpse


What does your color say
about you?

Take the Quiz


What will you do with color in your
space? Experience the power of
intentional, colorful design in our gallery.

See our Gallery


152 standard colors + color
matching technology. What would
you do with infinite color?

Order a Sample


The science behind color and
how it impacts design.

Read the Article

Showroom 1 V3
Neocon Threebox Section White Bg
Color is… NeoCon

Step into COLOR
with Clarus™.

Clarus wins! Featuring the Best of NeoCon Gold winning Glide, interactive drawing surfaces and high-definition printing technology, you can experience the emotion of color in real life.

Visit our Showroom

Read about Glide

Color is… Personal

What’s your color?

Clarus can give you 150+ reasons to find your favorite color. A unique expression of your personality – what does your color say about you?

Start the Quiz

Neocon Limitless Color Image
Color is… Limitless

Limitless Colors, Limitless Inspiration

Color is impactful – it ignites emotion, communicates messages, and creates a brand.

The Clarus design team formulated color-matching technology to create any color imaginable – if you can see it, we can make it. With 150+ standard colors and custom color-matching technology, Clarus has the perfect color for every design scenario.

Choose Your Sample

Color is… Powerful

The Brains Behind Design: How to
Use Color to Your Benefit

Color dictates design – it elevates brand and functions as the cornerstone of a space. From painting a house, to building out an office, and designing a showroom, the first question is always the same: “What color?”

Learn more about the science behind color and how to intentionally design with color.

See for Yourself