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Glass Whiteboards for Children

Whiteboards have long been used for teaching children of all ages; first came the blackboard in the little schoolhouse, then the whiteboard revolutionized the education system, but now we’ve got something even better; a glass whiteboard. Glass whiteboards are the cutting edge board for teaching, presenting and organizing your home. Glassboards have another great use, however, a teaching, presenting, organizing, brainstorming and drawing board for children!

Children need tools to help them learn, grow, experiment, draw, create and explore. A glass whiteboard may be the perfect tool for them through the years. Here are just a few ways your child can truly enjoy their glass whiteboard:

Drawing and creating – Kids love to draw, paint, and create when they’re younger; it’s an integral part of learning who they are, how the world works and how they see it. Normally, kids can fly through hundreds of pages of drawing paper, sketch pads, water color and coloring books. You keep a few of the great works, but most get tossed after they’re created. To save trees, and your child’s pride, buy them a glass whiteboard to create their most treasured creations. When you’re done, you can take a photo for memories and easily wipe the board clean. This way you are never “throwing away” their artwork, yet you have a tidy way to keep copies of the originals.

Teach them responsibility – Whiteboards are one of the best tools for organizing your daily, weekly or monthly schedule. You can create a daily activity and tasks board for them to keep them on track, or you can create a family board so they can see their role in the family’s responsibilities and daily chores. You could even do weekly or monthly activities, but if you keep it to daily, they can still use the magnetic glass board for play once they’ve checked off all of their daily chores.

Handwriting – One of the hardest things to teach a child is the art of handwriting. Humans began to write to communicate thousands of years ago, and it’s one of the most important skills in the world for learning, growing and communicating. It may have even been the reason blackboards were ever created. Practicing handwriting can send you through a lot of paper, so giving your child a glassboard can save the trees, and children love getting to erase their mistakes and start over fresh.

About Clarus Glassboards: Clarus is the leading manufacturer and innovator of glass whiteboards and glass visual display products. For more information about clear dry erase boards and our other glass architectural systems, please call 888-813-7414 or visit