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Glassboards are ALWAYS a Better Choice for Higher Education

Clarus go! Mobile black rolling glassboard with UNT green logo in college common area

Glass whiteboards are easily the best product for collaboration at offices, hospitals, and colleges. A glassboard is different from a traditional whiteboard because it’s much more durable than the traditional chemical-coated pressboard that streaks and stains. The tempered glassboards are built to last and have been tested against up to ten times the pressure of what regular glass can handle. Not only is this glass extremely strong and durable, but they can be used with dry-erase markers, permanent markers, and even grease pens. Traditional whiteboards already take a beating from dry erase markers, and permanent markers can literally destroy them. It’s no secret that wall-mounted glass boards are an all-around better product than the antiquated blackboard and the stainable whiteboard, but here are a few reasons why colleges and universities love these glassboards:

  • Appearance – Many people are quick to forget that educational institutions are also businesses. Yes, they have a desire to educate some of the nation’s finest students, but if they can’t fill the seats, they have problems just the way any business would. Choosing glass whiteboards over traditional is a great choice for these colleges and universities from an aesthetic perspective, appearing modern and updated. Not only do glassboards look great in opaque and white, but you can have a glassboard custom colored and sized to fit almost any environment. Trying to make a statement in your interior design rooms? Or need to make an impact in the locker room? An additional customization option that many schools are unaware of is the proprietary Clarus ColorDrop™ printing technology, allowing schools to brand their glassboards or print any high-resolution image.
  • Budget –Schools typically adhere to a very strict budget. Smart businesses, however, look at not only the cost of an item, but the length of use of a tool or supply – also known as total cost of ownership. Basically, a traditional whiteboard will wear out within the first five years. Teachers who use boards for presenting find that they will streak and stain and that they need to do a full cleaning of the boards almost every month to keep them from permanently staining or “ghosting.” So, while a new set of whiteboards may be more cost-effective in the short-run, a school may find themselves replacing them three to four times in the next twenty years. Glassboards, on the other hand, are extremely durable and never stain or streak. These boards will essentially last as long as you want them to, and for a college or university, that could mean 20+ years!
  • Learning – The most important benefit of glassboards is their ability to enhance learning. With the constant influx of information that students see 24/7, today’s students expect (and need) classes that engage them intellectually and enable participation – also known as active learning. The research done by educators and psychologists proves that teachers that utilize active learning consistently increase student performance over traditional lectures. Research also proves that bringing students to the board increases retention of what’s taught…and isn’t retention the goal? Between the need for a durable writing surface during class and the students’ need to collaborate on group projects, glassboards provide additional tools in the education toolbox.

About Clarus™: As the world’s largest glassboard manufacturer, Clarus glassboards encourage active learning with modern and minimalist glass dry-erase boards. For more information about glassboards and our other glass products, please call 888-813-7414 or visit