Clarus™ Co-Founder Talks Glassboards Color Technology
Late last year, the Wall Street Journal featured Clarus Glassboards™ in a story about it’s innovative spirit as a ‘Startup That Actually Makes Stuff’.
Central to the story is the vision and leadership of its founders Robby Whites and Jeremy Rincon who started the company seven years ago.
Clarus™ leads the writable surface market from a position of innovation and quality. With a proven lower total cost of ownership than the incumbent whiteboards demonstrated in this study and a design aesthetic that led to awards such as the Interior Design ‘Best Of the Year’ (for Flip), Clarus consistently demonstrates product leadership.
Whites and Rincon have instilled in Clarus a focus on product that is ingrained in process. While competing manufacturers cut corners in manufacturing, settle for lower-cost materials and rely on dated technology, the Clarus manufacturing operation is refreshingly cutting edge.
One example of the Clarus commitment to quality is Whites description of the paint process. Not satisfied with the beige and white products in the market, Clarus set out to add every color in the rainbow – and more. With a beautiful array of 153+ standard colors and customization capabilities that have been compared to Nike’s ID product, Clarus is a catalyst in the field of custom, energizing commercial design.
Only advanced manufacturing technology could make such an approach possible at scale and with the value pricing Clarus customers enjoy. In this video, Whites’ explains some of that process and technology. Ever see ‘dual painting robots’? Wonder how technology designed for high-end Italian furniture relates to glass?
Check out the video to learn more.