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The advantages of laminated glass

Glass whiteboards are a great way to add a modern, sophisticated feel to any room while adding a functional communication device to a work or home setting. There are many ways to customize your glass whiteboard, including using laminated glass results in a safer and sturdier product. Laminating glass is a technique that is commonly used to strengthen glass while keeping it flexible. Your glassboard will also be given that head-turning aesthetic touch. Some of the advantages of customizing your glass whiteboard with laminated glass include:

Long Lasting

Our laminated glass whiteboards will likely last as long as your wall will. Traditional whiteboards may see ten years of use at the very most, with many lasting only around five years. But laminated glass whiteboards can be used for generations, and it will still be looking nice till the very end. Typical whiteboards are also coated with chemicals that can be dangerous to your environment, and so using other methods to increase the effectiveness of your glass whiteboard can be more environmentally friendly. The durability of these glass whiteboards are astounding—we have even tested out what our glass whiteboards can handle by having employees perform pull-ups on the boards or by throwing heavy items at the boards to see if they would break. It’s no surprise that they didn’t.

The Strength of Flexibility

Some may associate the trait of flexibility with flimsiness, but in reality flexibility is what makes our glass whiteboards so durable. Using laminated glass makes the glassboard more flexible—layers and layers are bound together with polyvinyl butyral, a resin that insulates and binds the glass but still allows for some movement. This means that if your glass bends for some reason, it will stretch rather than shatter, as the result is a product that is made with a mixture of glass and plastic. Especially if you’re considering an outdoor white glassboard, which can be a totally unique element in an outdoor setting, you know that your glass whiteboard will be able to withstand wind, rain, and other elements.

A Beautiful Look

Laminated glass is made with opaque custom films in the middle, meaning your glass will have a sophisticated pastel shine of your choice. You can even have a design printed on the whiteboard, or further customize it with magnetic glass. A laminated glass whiteboard will awe anyone who steps into the room, whether you’re looking to install a glass whiteboard in your reception area, meeting room, office space, home, or other types of areas.

About Clarus Glassboards: Clarus is the leading manufacturer and innovator of glass whiteboards and glass visual display products. For more information about clear dry erase boards and our other glass architectural systems, please call 888-813-7414 or visit